Goodnight Flower

Linum grandiflorum (I), 3.19.18

On occasion, I think I’ll write a wee it about the goodnight flower. This one is a flower I first discovered while out on a walk in our neighborhood. A corner house had a very unkempt yard that was just full of these. (The house itself was in ill repair.) As I was shooting them an older man came out of the house. I commented, “I love these flowers! Do you know what they are?” He looked at me with a bit of surprise and said something like, “I’m glad someone likes them! This is my brother’s house and I’m just helping him out at the moment.” I could tell he was puzzled that anyone would like what I’m going to guess many in the neighborhood thought of as weeds. And yes, I suppose they are weeds for a lot of people. But I found them stunning.

Images don’t always give the viewer a clue about how large or small a flower is. These are rather small: I wish I’d measured them (note to self: you really should carry a ruler with you!). The red is tricky to capture, and they are so light that any bit of breeze and I won’t get a bit of the flower in focus.

The wildflower, Linum grandiflorum, is also known as scarlet or crimson flax.

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