TWO One Years Ago Today

I’m stuck at home: Dan has a delivery coming, but I couldn’t walk even if he didn’t: my foot injury still isn’t allowing me to wear shoes without limping horribly. So home I stay, and more cleaning and photo sorting is taking place, along with oboe work.

In some ways being “grounded” is rather nice!

The photos below are from one TWO years ago today (clearly I had an issue with what year it is now at first!), and were taken right outside our front door. It had rained, and our calla lily was calling out for attention, so I obliged. I love it when these bloom and I tend to pick a few and put them on our dining room table.

I just looked out the window at our plant. No inflorescence yet, and it apperas that we have fewer stalks as well. I don’t tend them, so I get whatever I get each year.

The plant is interesting; what many call the “flower” is actually the inflorescence. The white part of that is a bract and is called the spathe and the yellow is the spadix. The actual flowers are found on the spadix. And no, the plant isn’t really a lily even while it is called arum lily, trumpet lily or calla lily. It’s Latin name is Zantedeschia aethiopica. Take note: it is poisonous to both humans and animals.

Raindrops on the Calla Lily (I), 1.9.17

Raindrops on the Calla Lily (II), 1.9.17

2 thoughts on “TWO One Years Ago Today

    1. Thanks, John! I know I just have to be patient … something I’m not very good at!

      We are loving our desperately needed rain here now, and it’s fun to see that we had the same thing two years ago, but also a bit worrisome: that was a drought year! So a bit of rain doesn’t guarantee we are out of the “drought-hole” yet. Still, things look promising for the season.

      As to snow flurries: I’d enjoy that a bit for a time, at least. But I’m grateful we have no snow to shovel here in San Jose!

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