A Bonus Flower

Being off social media for a month (okay, okay, I might have peaked a few times) isn’t easy, but it sure does mean I have a lot more time on my hands. I’m not sure anyone has missed me on those sites, and I’ve not heard from anyone here to say they are checking out the site since the flowers won’t appear elsewhere (aside from Twitter that does auto-posts). But so it goes. This is a bit of an experiment … I wanted to see if people would sign up for emails to alert them when I posted anything. I think all of two people did that. I guess this means the flowers aren’t, in fact, missed by many.

That’s okay. If I post them only for a couple of people so it goes. If I post only for myself, I guess that’s okay too.

But here’s a bonus flower for today. Dan saw a tree with these on them today and asked what it was. I knew the common name (Strawberry tree), but had to look back at images to find out the Latin name. (I just love Latin names!)

Arbutus uendo, 9.21.16

5 thoughts on “A Bonus Flower

  1. Well I miss seeing your daily FB posts.
    I check these daily email posts but haven’t commented because you indicated that you wanted a break. So
    Maybe others are honoring your time away.
    August – half gone.
    Enjoy your time away.

  2. I enjoy seeing the pictures everyday. I can actually see them from the email that is sent to me so no need to login. 🙂 Thanks for sending them. And, yes, we do miss your FB posts – especially since they often are written with a sense of humor.

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