Just a Couple of Yosemite Shots

As Dan and I were enjoying a nice brunch following my four oboe students of the morning we were talking about Yosemite and the ways we each frequently see things with our cameras: sometimes it’s in a similar fashion, but more often than not it’s differently. Much of the time I’m crouched on the ground, or using the macro very close up to something while he’s capturing some stupendous and unbelievable “all of it” shot. (He amazes me!) The conversation caused me to look back on Yosemite photos I have that I’ve simply not had time to work on, and I came upon these two which I like.

Now I want to start looking more at last year’s Yosemite work, but I’m trying to be a good girl, sticking to an orderly manner of sorting month-by-month. We’ll see if I manage to stick to this!

Manzanita Runner, 3.2.14Manzanita_Runner,_3.2.14

Water Drops on Grass, 3.2.14